Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthweek!

Mmmmm...Sprinkles cupcakes from Mom!

I've promised myself for months now that I'd get my blog back up and running with a significantly refreshed look. True to my 2011 New Year's resolution, here it is...just in time to take part in celebrating my birthday. Like most self-loving 20-somethings these days, my birthday lasts an entire week. The real joy of celebrating for an entire week is that gustatory satisfaction that comes with dinner after dinner and cupcake after cupcake. Two dozen cupcakes in, I'm still celebrating!

With it's new look and new feel, I'm hoping my blog brings plenty of anecdotal musings about surgical residency (as this consumes at least 80 hours of my week, EVERY week), interior decorating (my favorite past time), antiquing, the occasional political rant, humor and cheer on behalf of Brewster and Chelsea (my children a.k.a my dogs), traveling both solo and with Brewster in tow, and the slew of other random thoughts and events that make up my life as budding surgeon.

In all, happy 26th birthweek to me and happy birthday to my new blog!


  1. Those cupcakes look delicious. Happy Birthday 2-weeks-late!

  2. Those cupcakes ARE delicious, and I was spoiled and got multiple deliveries! Thanks for the belated birthday wishes!


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