Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Time For Thanks

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Last night, I had the pleasure of enjoying dinner on behalf of my patient's family. Yes, the one I blogged about a while back. The one that means so much to me. His family has become more than just the loved ones of someone I was able to help, but dear friends of mine. Their friends treated me (and my date!) to a fantastic dinner at Lemongrass in Deep Ellum. For you Dallasites, I highly recommend it. Fantastic Vietnamese--and they even kept things peanut free at my request! I'll keep this post short and to the point. My boyfriend (yes, I said it!) and I had a terrific time catching up with the family and friends that I've spent so much time getting to know as their son recovers. I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season, but nearing the top of the list is my patient's recovery, the new friends I've made because of his course, and the meaning which it gives me for my career. Thank you again to those of you who were so gracious in spending your evening with me. You know who you are. :)

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